April 8, 2009

My Challenge at Mon Ame Memories

Good morning!

I just want to share to you the challenge I did for Mon Ame Memories.

Spring is a favorite season for many people, and it is certainly easy to understand why this is so. This is when the earth comes back to life after a long cold winter, and it is in spring when the first flowers begin to bloom and the green world begins to return after its winter sleep.


So for my challenge, I would like you to get your inspiration from this spring abstract painting by Carol Beth:

Create a LO using the colors BLUE and GREEN
Use only B&W Photograph/s


Here is my example:

Milk Hour

You always look forward to your milk time
I can never see a baby who drinks milk as much as you do

Materials Used:
Kaisercraft Cabbage Path pps
Green Swirl Sticker Chipboard from Simple Joys
Thickers Glitter Sticker Alphas


I would like to invite you to MAM forum and take part of the great challenges there.

1 comment:

jacque4u2c said...