okay here it goes.....
I AM SO SORRY for neglecting mg blog sooooo much for the past few weeks. Work is driving me crazy and my dd, who is 3yrs and 3mos old, is starting to show her personality. We went to her school and talked to her teachers to ask feedback regarding her attitude. We were told that this is the stage where toddlers realizes what they want and starts to assert themselves more.
As a parent I think that I have disciplined her accordingly so that she will grow up with good manners and respect to others but I cannot deny that this is part of growing up. Now, we have to address her assertiveness and turn it into a positive trait. I communicate to her more reminding her what's the right thing to do and to say. Aside of occasional timeouts, I prefer explaining everything to her.
Oh well I know everything will workout for the best. I am actually proud of how she is right now. We developed her to be confident, outspoken, assertive, and wise. Now that she has those traits, we would mold them into something more positive. I know she can do it!
Here is a layout of her using the July Nook kit featuring October Afternoon's 5 & Dime. Ain't my daughter adorable?
Thanks for always dropping by!
Love the subtle misted circles and the floral rubber charm complementing the paper of the same design...gorgeous!
this is just lovely! I really like the misting on this!!
sweet photos and LAYOUT
just gorgeous...love the subtle colours
Stunning layout!!! I love the design!
Oh i love this page! All the details are great! Good luck with you daughter, mine is only 1 1/2 and already has an attitude, I just hope she doesn't go through the terrible two's! Have a great weekend.
Good luck with your DD... I had that with my son! :) I loveeeeeeee the lo! I loveeeeeee the photos and all the circles! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Hello my dear friend. I hear you about being busy. there just doesnt seem to be enough hours in the day. LOL about your DD :) As Mum of 5, I can tell you its all perfectly normal, just keep doing what you are doing, and she will be fine :) People call it the 'terrible 2's" BUT, I think 3 is way harder :) ....... I have a 3 YO too,and OMGoodness, he tests me some days LOL !!!!!
Karen xx
LG, this is so pretty!!
Love all of the layers!!
I mailed your package today so I'm thinking you should have in a 1.5 to 2 weeks!
beautiful!!!sweet colors
Gorgeous layout LG and you sound like you are doing a super fantastic job at paenting, its hard because whilst you are learning to parent you are teaching your most important student at the same time, Goodluck :)
Just beautiful!
I found '3' to be the most challenging age thus far with all 3 of my kids. Forget the terrible two's...is the terrible threes I reckon!
Totally and utterfly adorable! The perfect subject matter for your beautiful layouts! :)
Oh, my stars! This page is gorgeous!!! Your daughter is so adorable. I will admit I missed that age(; Hugs
absolutely LOVE this page, LG!! Good luck with your daughter. It sounds like you are doing a great job as a parent! Keep doing what you are doing, I'm sure from what I know of you that your little girl will grow up to be the lady you have raised her to be xx
Thank you for your sweet words on my blog!
IKWYM! We have issues with our dd sometimes too!
Parenting can sometimes be challenging in this area!
Hi LG! Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog today. Your daughter is such a cutie. It's a juggling act isn't it? Encouraging their independent spirit while ensuring that they grow up having manners and respect and all those good-to-have things. Sounds like you're doing a fab job :)
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